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If you had the ability to heal with just one touch, the capability to absorb other’s pain by making it your own, would you do it?
The gratifying feeling she gets from helping others intoxicates Ally; the glowing warmth within constantly simmers, incessant on bursting free. Ally was born to do this, but how much more damage can her body take?
Theo finds himself getting close to the girl that continues to inflict pain on herself. When he discovers her secret, his overwhelming concern drives him to do everything in his power to prevent Ally from getting hurt, no matter how lovely her intentions are.
Theo also has secrets and will take any measure to keep them hidden from the girl he is falling in love with. He knows better than to let her get too close. She can never find out the information he conceals because she cannot help him anyway.
Devastating circumstances. Helpless love. Where there's a will, is there actually a way?

What sparked your interest in becoming a romance writer?
I’ve loved books from a very young age. They say do what you love, so I thought I would try to write one.
What was the first romance novel you read that made an impression on you?
I capture the castle by Dodie Smith
What is your writing environment?
I have an office with motivational canvasses on the wall and a bookshelf with some of my favorite books on it.
One of your favorite quotes.
“The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.”
Which authors have caught your interest lately? Why?
Allie Brennan, Jolene Perry and Nyrae Dawn. A lot of books make me smile but theirs inspire a stupidly huge grin the whole way through. Their writing really connects with me. Kimi Flores – she has such a refreshing approach to the way she writes. Clean, swoon worthy and wholesome romance.
What type of book have you always wanted to write?
Something really dark, something real, with no hea.
Who are your dream dinner party guests?
My critique partner – Kimi Flores. My betas who I talk to everyday, a million times a day – Debi Barnes, Elle Wilson and Steph Harper. And I’d be lost without Katie Mac there too!
What’s the last movie you watched and loved?
City of bones! Will definitely watch it again!
Most __rebellious_ in high school. (popular, nerdy, sporty…) Why?
I did a lot of crazy things!
What is your favorite scene in your new release?
The scene on the porch swing ;)
If you could be one of your characters - Who would you be? And why?
Kinley, because of the guy she gets to be with.
Flirting Questions
What’s your favorite body part of the opposite sex?
Hey, baby! What’s your sign?
How did you meet your significant other?
Through a friend
What’s your idea of a perfect date?
Something active ( No not that, well not on the first date anyway!) Climbing a mountain, swimming at the beach.
If you could take a romantic trip, where would it be?
Mooloolaba Australia. Not far from where I live but my favorite place in the whole world.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Flirting Quickies:
Boxers or Briefs?
Facial hair or clean shaven?
Alpha or Beta?
Planner or Panster?
A bit of both
White wine or red?
Coffee or tea?
Vanilla or chocolate?
Sweet or salty?
Sleep in or get up early?
Laptop or desktop?
Beach or mountains?
Winter or summer?
Cat or dog?
Twilight or Fifty Shades?
Spotlight or In the Shadows?
City or Country?
Clubbing or candlelight dinner?
Candlight dinner
Backpacking or luxury hotel?
Morning or night person?
Christmas or Halloween?
Optimist or pessimist?

She thinks pink is the new black and that hair crimpers never went out of fashion.
In her spare time she enjoys the simple things in life like the smell of the air before the rain or a swim at the beach on a hot summer’s day.
She is an avid reader and an aspiring writer, who believes whole heartedly in the old English proverb; the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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