The Princess’s Duty, an all-new Paranormal Fae Romance by Sloane Murphy is releasing October 22nd!

Cover Design by Hart and Bailey
Have you ever wanted to escape? To be the one thing that everyone told you could never be?
All my life I've wanted to escape this place.
The nature of the Seelie court is one I was meant to be born to, but its everything I'm not.
The darkness around me threatens to pull me under when I was so close to everything I ever wanted, and now I have to sacrifice everything. Marry the man I hate to save the one I love.
Being a Princess of the Seelie Court isn't everything its cracked up to be. Especially when Cade Vasara is involved.

Pre-Order your copy Today!
Nook - goo.gl/RnXJD9
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There are so many people in here. Royals and social climbers of the Winter Court, I try to see into the
edge of the room, cast in shadows, but the light surrounding me blinds me from it. The applause
continues as I make my way onto the stage, in front of the table where the Vasara’s sit, with Cade to the
left of his father who is just an older, slightly greying version of Cade, and Rowan to the right by his
mother. I curtsy as tradition dictates and hold my submissive position until I am released by King Earon’s
“Emilia Daarke. What a long time it has been! Maybe this time when you leave here, it will not be in
bloody circumstances,” his cruel smile takes up half of his face and I hear the laughter and spattering of
applause from his audience behind me. I look to Lanora, whose face is unreadable. Cade sits stoically as
if his father has said nothing, but I see Rowan wince slightly from the corner of my eye. I will not be
baited, because that it exactly what they want.
“King Earon, it has been a long time. I’m glad the years have been kinder to me than it seems they’ve
been to you,” I say sweetly, my insult obvious but I know these people, I grew up with them. Trading
insults is nothing more than a game to them. He pauses, and a hush descends across the room, before
his laughter belts out, the sound bouncing across the room and I breathe a little easier knowing I’ve
started well, and I’m not bleeding yet. Insulting the winter fae is dangerous game. Sometimes they
laugh, other times, they’ll kill you where you stand. Blood sport is nothing unusual to them.
Cade stands and circles me, blatantly taking in my form in the corseted dress, which hugs and
accentuates every curve I have, trying to demean me without words. I stand and take it, being treated
like a piece of meat, as is expected.
“You, Emilia, chose to return here, after your twin brother was slaughtered here at my own hand, and
yet, you still wish to marry me and become queen of this court. Is that right?” Cade faces the audience
rather than me, everything for their entertainment and to make me feel like less than nothing.
“That is right, but must you really treat me with such disrespect. Someone who could potentially be your
future wife, your future queen. Can you not even look at me when you address me?” I don’t see his
hand as it reaches out and strikes me across the face, lightning fast, the shock of it knocking me off
“Maybe you are the one who needs to learn some respect, to the future king of this court, and to the
man you are hoping to marry. Know your place.” He towers over me, and that’s when I work out his
game. He wants us to submit, to show that we are weak and unworthy of him. So I brace myself and
“My place, your highness,” I spit, “is not on my knees, or at your feet.” I stand tall and take him face on.
“No queen of your court or mine is a submissive coward. I was not raised to cower before you, but to be
the strength and power at your side.”
About Sloane Murphy
My name is Sloane, but people call me a variety of names, particularly after they read my books. If you’ve read them, I’m sure you can use your imagination to work them out. I was born in England and have lived in small towns and cities ever since. My husband, Chris, is the most supportive person in my life. Without his love, help and patience I wouldn't be where I am today. Living my dreams, with him by my side and our crazy fur baby creating chaos. At school I drifted through, achieving average grades. I fell into administration and sales jobs, thinking that I couldn't really do anything else, despite always wanting more. I’d been writing poetry and song lyrics since the age of about 11, but my love of reading has always been strong. In 2012, I got my first kindle and discovered the works of Samantha Young, Addison Moore, Amanda Hocking, Tijan, A.E Murphy and many many more. In 2015 I stumbled into the indie world by accident. I emailed a certain indie author after falling head over heels for her books, and she became one of the best friends I will ever have. She’s a gladiator! But she pulled me in, and took me to my first book signing. She encouraged me to start my blog. She encouraged me to put my art out into the world, first with teasers & covers. Then when I finally told her about my stories, she encouraged me to put them out there. Between her and the one I love the most – thank you, Lauren Rowe - (my twinnie, and my best friend) I found the confidence to put myself out there, and the rest, as they say, is history.Follow Sloane Murphy
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