After escaping an abusive ex-lover and business partner, Kaitlin Grant is broken and bruised—but determined to find a safe haven so she can resurrect herself and forge a new future. Kaitlin doesn’t anticipate the potent electricity still sizzling between her and Sky Whitefeather—the Native American lover she left years ago. Returning from Iraq with a daughter and an unforgivable secret, Sky tries to bury the past, until Katie—the woman who once annihilated his heart, reappears. She stirs up emotions he longs to forget and rekindles desires that might burn him alive. Can new love grow from the ashes of their past, or will a trail of death and betrayal destroy their dreams?
The sound of churning gravel and the purr of a car engine drew Sky’s attention to the road. A silver Jag slowed to a stop in front of Gran’s. His heart clutched in his chest, air stilled in his lungs.
He didn’t need to see the shimmer of her glossy auburn hair reflecting in the setting sun to recognize her. The blistering pull of every cell in his body and the rush of conflicting emotions rolling through him were proof enough. Anger, desire, sadness, and rejection brought with them a sting that burned the backs of his eyes. Forcing down the lump of emotion clogging his throat, Sky tried to tamp down the familiar vibration humming through his body. A part of him wanted to whoop for joy before yanking Katie into his arms kissing her senseless. Another part of him wanted to forget she even existed…wipe away the ball-churning memories that flooded his brain, and focus on the hurt and anger he felt when Gran broke the news, Katie had left. Yet, all he could think about was touching her, kissing her, holding her in his arms, before he dragged her beneath him.
Skimming a cursory glance over the ridiculously expensive sports car, Sky’s shoulders sagged. Katie had achieved her dreams all right, it was staring him in the face, sending feelings of inadequacy deep into his bones. He hadn’t had a damn thing to offer her at eighteen; he sure as hell didn’t now. Sky couldn’t compete with the riches she’d apparently become accustomed to. It didn’t take a genius to see he could only rate as a long lost lover. Reality stung, like a slap to the face.
Katie had ripped his heart out and stomped it to shit—a fact he’d do well to remember. But it didn’t erase the desire to love her again, or the growing need inside his jeans. Disgusted by his traitorous libido, her return only served to make him pick at the scabs of the past, and douse them in salt water. Sky clenched his jaw.
“Looks like you got everything you wanted, Katie,” he mumbled with disdain. “I’m sure you’re happy now.”
No sooner had the words rolled off his tongue than the sounds of gut-wrenching sobs filled his ears.
What the hell?
Tossing down the shovel, Sky mopped the sweat off his face before storming toward the Jag. Katie’s sobs grew louder and more pitiful. Like fine crystal, the flimsy barrier he’d erected around his heart, began to crack, splinter, and finally shatter. Standing next to the open window, Sky watched tears drip from beneath her shroud of silky, red hair. The waning sun reflected in each drop, casting them in a shimmer of gold, as they spilled onto Katie’s lap.
His guts and heart clenched in tandem. Sky had only seen Katie cry once: the first time they made love; those had been tears of joy. There wasn’t an ounce of happiness in the guttural sobs ringing in his ears. What the hell had happened to her? This wasn’t the strong, resilient woman he’d once loved. Seeing Katie in the throes of such brutal sorrow gutted him.
In an instant, his heart caught fire with the need to protect: burning away the poisonous animosity he’d felt moments ago. Instantly, flames of love reignited—the powerful kind they’d once shared—and Sky only wanted to scoop her into his arms so he could comfort and slay the demons causing her this pain.
A mom of four grown children, Jenna and her Alpha-Hunk-husband live in Kansas. A lover of books, Harleys, music, and camping, Jenna’s zany sense of humor and lack of filter exemplify her motto: Live. Laugh. Love.
Let Jenna introduce you to her wild and wicked family in her sultry series: The Doms of Genesis. Or become spellbound by the searing love connection between Raine, Hammer, and Liam in her continuing saga: The Doms of Her Life (co-written with the amazing Shayla Black and Isabella La Pearl). Journey with couples struggling to resolve their pasts and heal their scars, to discover unbridled love and devotion in Jenna’s new contemporary series: Passionate Hearts.
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